Emergency Preparedness

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  • Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs
    The Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) is providing information and support to county tenants who have questions or are facing difficulties.

  • Hello Landlord
    This free tool helps renters write a letter to their landlords explaining that they cannot make their rent payments.

  • Guide to mortgage relief options
    Under the CARES Act, homeowners who have federally-backed mortgages and are struggling financially because of the COVID-19 Emergency can delay making their mortgage payments for up to 360 days.

  • Hello Lender
    This free tool can help homeowners who have certain mortgages and are suffering a financial hardship to write a letter to their mortgage companies asking to pause their mortgage payments.


Unemployment Services

Financial Support

  • Benefit Finder
    Federal Government Tool to identify what federal benefit you might be eligible for

Church of Jesus Christ Job Search Resources

  • Accelerated Job Search Program
    The Accelerated Job Search (AJS) program offers daily check-ins to receive support from other job seekers. It also offers opportunities to learn from employment experts, sharpen job search skills, and share job leads. Meetings are 60–90 minutes long.

  • Job Search Skills Workshops
    Four key elements of a job search include writing résumés, finding job leads, networking, and preparing for interviews. You can get training on each of these topics by joining one of the workshops.

  • Ask an Expert
    In the Ask an Expert sessions, you can participate in an open forum facilitated by one of our employment professionals. You can come with a question about your own job search, or just listen and get an idea of what other job seekers are experiencing.

Emergency Alert Systems

  • Alert Montgomery
    Alert Montgomery is the official emergency communications service for Montgomery County, MD. During a major crisis, emergency or severe weather event, Montgomery County officials can send event updates, warnings and instructions directly to you on any of your devices.

  • FEMA's Emergency Preparedness Tips on Ready.gov
    Ready.gov is a national public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. Ready and its Spanish language version Listo ask individuals to do three key things: (1) build an emergency supply kit, (2) make a family emergency plan and (3) be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses.

Preparedness with Children

  • Montgomery County School Alerts
    If your family is comprised of school-aged children, it's a very good policy to be knowledgeable of their school's emergency preparedness plans, especially communication in response. Each school establishes an on-site emergency team (OSET) composed of school administrators and staff who receive basic and enhanced levels of emergency/crisis preparedness training, conducted by the Department of School Safety and Security.

  • National Child Identification Program
    This program provides an easy-to-use ID kit that allows parents to collect specific information by easily recording the physical characteristics and fingerprints of their children on identification cards that are then kept at home by the parent or guardian. If ever needed, this ID Kit will give authorities vital information to assist their efforts to locate a missing child.

Prepared in case of death

  • Instructions in the event of death
    While thinking about dying is not something anyone wants to dwell on, planning ahead by preparing a document with personal information (i.e. bank account numbers, email passwords, insurance policies) will relieve survivors and caregivers of endless hours of frustration and anguish during a time of grief and sadness upon the passing of a loved one. Here is a sample form for such instructions with suggestions for the type of information that should be provided. Completed letters should be kept in a safe place and copies should be given to the relatives who will be in charge at the time of death.

  • Instrucciones en Caso de Fallecimiento
    Mientras pensaba en morir no es algo que nadie quiere pensar en, la planificación anticipada mediante la preparación de un documento con información personal (por ejemplo, números de cuentas bancarias, contraseñas de correo electrónico, pólizas de seguro) aliviará los sobrevivientes y los cuidadores de interminables horas de frustración y angustia durante un tiempo de dolor y la tristeza de la muerte de un ser querido. Este es un modelo de formulario para este tipo de instrucciones con sugerencias para el tipo de información que debe proporcionarse. Cartas completadas deben mantenerse en un lugar seguro y copia se debe dar a los familiares que tendrán a su cargo en el momento de la muerte.